Duties Of A Student - Composition

 Student life is the golden period of a man's life. It is not a life of ease and comfort. Student life is the life of struggle. It is the life of preparation. It is also the life of thrill, life of emotion and romance. So the students should be careful of it, because the success of the whole life depends on this life. To ensure better life students should use this life properly.

Every student has to remember that his main duty is to study. Thus he has to study carefully so that he can cut a good figure to the examination. Besides study, a student has another duty. This duty is to build up character because character is the crown of life. Student life is the proper time when one can moulid one's character. Another duty of a student is learning good manners. He/ She has to learn first how to behave with parents. Then he/she has to learn how to behave with teachers and finally she/he has to learn how to behave with the elderly persons both in the family and in the society.

A student also should have love for the younger people. A student must be gentle, polite, truthful, sincere, honest, faithful etc. Besides she/he must have the sense of health and hygiene. He/ She must think for the welfare of the helpless and the distressed people.

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