Dictionary - Paragraph

 Dictionary plays a vital role in order to increase our store of knowledge. It helps us look up the unknown word which enriches and enlightens our skill and competence. It follows the alphabetical order of letters. If we want to look up the word in the dictionary, we will follow some techniques and methods. It means words starting with the letter D will be before the words starting with the letter E. So to say, a dictionary is a collection of words. It lists the words of a language and gives necessary information about them. It tells us about the spelling, pronunciation, meaning and parts of speech of words. It also gives the synonyms and the antonyms of word. Besides these, we find new words made by adding prefixes and suffixes to the root word. Parts of speech are also shown. A verb word is always given in the simple present tense. Again, the past form of a verb and the past participle are also shown. To find the words with a letter, look up the words at the top of the page. So, it goes without saying that it is a part and parcel of acquiring knowledge.

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