Begum Rokeya - Paragraph

Begum Rokeya -  Paragraph

Begum Rokeya was born in 1880 in the village of Pairabond. Rangpur district in Bangladesha. Her father Jahiruddin Muhammad Abu Ali Haidar Saber was a highly educated Zamidar. Rokeya's eldest brother Ibrahim Saber had a great influence on her life. Rokeya wanted to study Bengali, the language of the majority in Bengal. The family disliked this because many upper class Muslims of the time preferred to use Arabic and Persian as the media of education. Ibrahim taught English and Bengali to Rokeya. Rokeya married at the age of sixteen in 1896. Her husband, Khan Bahadur Shakhwat Hussain, was the Deputy Magistrate of Bhagalpur. He was very supportive to Rokeya. In 1909. Shakhawat Hussain died. She was a leading feminist writer and social worker in undivided Bengal during the early 20th century. She is most famous for her efforts on behalf of gender equality and other social issues. She wrote short stories and novels. Her important books are Sultana's Dream, padmarag. She died of heart problems on December 9, 1932. In Bangladesh, 1 December is celebrated as Rokeya Day.

Necessity Of Learning English - Paragraph


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